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Wondering How To Place Metatarsal Pads? Consult the Experts
October 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM

Sore, aching feet can really put a damper on your day. As orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons, we often have patients limp into our office complaining of throbbing pain and tenderness in the balls of their feet. It’s frustrating when something as simple as walking starts to hurt. Often, the culprit behind this metatarsal pain is too much pressure building up in the wrong areas. The metatarsal pads we recommend aim to fix that. But in order for them to work their magic, they need to be positioned just right.

Proper placement is key when it comes to experiencing the full benefits of met pads. If they’re too far forward or back, the padding misses the target area entirely. And if they’re oriented wrong, they can create new pain points. Don’t worry—with a bit of expert advice from us, you can learn how to place metatarsal pads perfectly. We want to share some of the tips and tricks we give our patients, so you can find sweet relief for your suffering feet. A customized approach is ideal, but these guidelines will start you off on the right foot.

What Are Metatarsal Pads And Why Are They Used?

Metatarsal pads are a common treatment option recommended by orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons to help relieve pain in the ball of the foot. As our team at Selene Parekh frequently advises patients on the proper use of met pads, we wanted to provide some expert guidance on optimal metatarsal pad placement.

The pads are designed to fit just behind the ball of the foot, directly under the metatarsal bones. These long bones connect your toes to the rest of the foot structure. When too much pressure builds up in this area, often due to high arches or repetitive impact, it can cause a range of symptoms including numbness, tingling, burning, and sharp shooting pain.

Met pads act as cushions to redistribute weight off the metatarsal heads and reduce the compression that contributes to irritation. They lift and support the metatarsal area to alleviate pain and inflammation. Pad placement is crucial in order to target the correct anatomical location and avoid discomfort elsewhere.

Tips For Placing Metatarsal Pads Correctly

Here are some key pointers on strategically positioning your metatarsal pads:

  • Identify the metatarsal area - This is the ball of your foot, just behind your toes. Press along the balls of your feet to find the zone that hurts when compressed. This is where you want pad pressure.
  • Consider pad shape/design - Different pad shapes work better for different foot types. A kidney bean shape can cradle high arched feet well, while a rectangular or oval shape may suit flatter feet. Make sure it targets just the metatarsal zone.
  • Place at metatarsal heads - Position the pad so it lifts and supports the painful metatarsal heads specifically. If too far forward, it can rub on toes. If too far back, it misses the target area.
  • Align pad peak to space between metatarsals - The highest, thickest part of the pad should sit in the space between metatarsal bones for optimal support.
  • Check padding orientation - Rotate the pad so the fullest cushioning aligns with your most painful metatarsal region. You want the pad thicker side to directly press where needed most.

Achieving The Ideal Met Pad Placement

  • Consider metatarsal sleeve products - These wrap around the foot to hold pads steadily in place. This prevents sliding and keeps pressure locked on the metatarsal zone.
  • Wear with laced shoes - Laced shoes help keep pads positioned correctly when walking compared to slip-ons. The laces secure the foot so pads stay put.
  • Break pads in slowly - Let your feet adjust to new pads gradually. Start by wearing them only 1-2 hours a day, then increase wear time as tolerated.
  • Monitor fit and discomfort - Fine tune pad placement over time. If part of the foot feels irritated or bruised, reposition the pad slightly to redistribute pressure.

Perfect placement will differ slightly person to person. Some trial and error may be needed to find the ideal pad position for your foot’s distinct anatomy and pain patterns. But following these tips can get you on the right track quickly. Proper placement truly optimizes metatarsal pads’ pain-relieving effects.

Consult The Experts For Advanced Foot Pain Relief

If you continue struggling with foot pain despite using met pads, consult our team. We can provide advanced treatment options like custom orthotics shaped to your feet for maximum comfort and support. With our experts’ guidance individualized to your needs, you’ll find real relief. Contact our office today to discuss innovative solutions for eliminating foot pain.

Get in touch with Selene Parekh to learn more about how to place metatarsal pads!

Getting metatarsal pad placement right truly takes some finesse. But the payoff is well worth the effort when you finally find that sweet spot. Remember, it may take some tweaking to figure out the positioning that works for your unique feet. Don’t get discouraged if the pads aren’t instantly life-changing. Be patient with the process. Make small adjustments and give your feet a chance to adjust too.

The right met pads, worn the right way, can transform your walking experience. The cushioning and support is freeing when you get it just right. You may even feel like you’re walking on clouds! Don’t settle for feet that still hurt. Keep working to find your personalized met pad solution. And if they just aren’t cutting it, call me. We have all kinds of advanced options beyond basic pads. Custom orthotics, physical therapy, injections, and surgery are just some of the treatments we can explore together to get your feet feeling fabulous again. Our team won’t rest until you can.

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